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Company Profile

G2's office location in Florida

We want to get to know you and provide you with the correct advice and strategies you can use to meet your specific marketing goals.

G2 Marketing Company Profile

G2 Marketing is a division of The Goodwin Marketing Group, LLC that was formed in February 2010 to provide superior marketing and business development services to any companies that want to increase their market share and their service offering in today's dynamic economy. From an initial platform in the engineering, architectural, construction and management consulting worlds, G2 Marketing, LLC (GMG) is adept and nimble to augment your company's existing resources and add value to your existing best practices. Our philosophy is not to take over or radically change your marketing process, but to enhance and coach the talents you have.

Take a moment to contact us for more information on how we can help. Or, take a look at our educational materials and other free resources you can use to make sound business and marketing decisions.


E-mail us at greg@g2marketing.us for your copy.


Since 2010, G2 Marketing has been serving the marketing, business development and sales consulting needs of our clients that want to grow their business, winning new clients and major projects. Created to compliment and augment our clients existing resources, G2 brings tools, energy and expertise to win!


G2 Marketing
Tarpon Springs, Florida

Offices in:
Tampa, Florida
St. Petersburg, Florida

Phone: (813) 431-6919

Email: Send Now